Digital Signature

Digital Signature

Seamless, Secure and Convenient

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a crucial security measure to enhance the security of mobile and internet banking applications. A soft token digital signature is one of the methods used for MFA in these applications.

Our Internet banking and Mobile banking platforms are enriched with various Digital services(Financial and non-Financial). All Customers are using services based on their needs. Our bank is very keen on introducing new services only in a secured way. Among which, “Digital Signature” based on authentication is one, which provide high security and convenience to the customers.

For every transaction in internet banking or mobile banking will be proceeded with minimum 2FA(Two Factor) or MFA(Multi Factor Authentication). OTP/Digital Signature will serve the purpose of 2FA/MFA. OTP is a traditional method and customers are already familiar with this authentication. Digital Signature authentication is another alternate method, which is very secure, convenient and seamless.

For Digital signature authentication, a application called “XORKEE” to be used in our laptop/Desktop/Mobile Phone. This application will support for both Windows, Mac Book, Android Mobile and Apple Mobiles. In order to use, a handle Id needs to be created in the XORKEE application.


First Time User


Methods of Digital Signature supported in our online banking:-

Digital signature can be opted two ways.

  • Soft Token - Handle Id created only in mobile without certificate.
  • Hard Token - Handle Id created with certificate.

Soft Token :-

The soft handle can be created and activated instantly with no waiting time without any dependencies. Each and every transaction through soft token will be notified in registered mobile device right from registration and it will require bio-metric or PIN authentication. Soft Token is supported in the below digital channels

  • Retail Internet banking
  • Retails Mobile Banking (Android/IOS)
  • Corporate Internet Banking
  • Corporate Mobile Banking (Android/IOS)

यहां क्लिक करें to download the registration/enrollment/transaction process of Soft Token

यहां क्लिक करें to download the nominee registration process

यहां क्लिक करें to download the retrieve Lost Handle, who registered for nominee

Hard Token :-

The hard token handle is created based on the certificate purchased from certificate authority. Each and every transaction through hard token will be notified in the device, where the USB token with certificate is connected. Post registration, certificate will be mapped with handle Id and this can be used in any devices, which has xorkee application

Hard Token is supported in the below digital channels

  • Corporate Internet Banking
  • Corporate Mobile Banking (Android/IOS)

यहां क्लिक करें to download the registration/enrollment/transaction process of Hard Token

यहां क्लिक करें to download the nominee registration process

यहां क्लिक करें to download the retrieve Lost Handle, who registered for nominee

Corporate Transaction Limits for Digital Signature

Without DSC (OTP)

Upto Rs.10.00 Lakh
(Rs 1.00 to 10,00,000.00)

With DSC (Soft token)

Upto Rs 50.00 Lakh (or upto the max cap /limit sanctioned for the Corp customer)
Soft token as the Second Factor Authentication (Rs 1.00 to 50,00,000.00)

With DSC (Hard token)

Upto the max cap /limit sanctioned for the Corp customer Hard Token is the Second Factor Authentication.
(Rs 1.00 to limit sanctioned for the customer)

Retail Transaction Limits for Digital Signature

Without DSC (OTP)

Upto Rs.10.00 Lakh
(Rs 1.00 to 10,00,000.00)

With DSC (Soft token)

Upto Rs.10.00 Lakh
(Rs 1.00 to 10,00,000.00)

Special Features/Advantages of Digital Signature

Soft Token:

  • Enhanced Security - Soft token digital signatures add an additional layer of security on top of the traditional username and password, making it significantly harder for unauthorized individuals to access an account. Even if someone knows the user's password, they won't be able to do transaction without the soft token-generated OTP or digital signature.
  • Protection Against Phishing: Soft tokens generate time-sensitive codes, making it nearly impossible for attackers to use stolen login credentials, as the OTPs are valid for a short period.
  • Faster Authentication: Soft token-based MFA is usually faster than receiving SMS-based OTPs, as it doesn't rely on network delays or SMS delivery times.
  • Instant Beneficiary Addition – No waiting time period for new added beneficiary using soft token


  • Enhanced Security - Hard token digital signatures add an additional layer of security on top of the traditional username and password, as the user can do transaction only on inserting the hard token into the machine. Even if someone knows the user's password, they won't be able to do transaction without the hard token.
  • Faster Authentication: Hard token-based MFA is usually faster than receiving SMS-based OTPs, as it doesn't rely on network delays or SMS delivery times.
  • Instant Beneficiary Addition – No waiting time period for new added beneficiary using soft token
  • Bulk File Upload in Corporate
  • Instant password generation for corporate

यहां क्लिक करें to FAQ

अंतिम अपडेट: 29-12-2023, 12:04:13 PM

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