City Union Bank has been honoured with 7 prestigious awards for FY23-24 for second year in a row at the 20th Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Citations, 2024
IBA Awards @20th Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Citations 2024
Dear Customer, Bank is not providing any mobile application (.apk file) for KYC updation through WhatsApp/SMS. Do not fall prey / victim to fraudster -CUB
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Click here to know your KYC at KRA
To check your KYC status, follow the steps given below:
1. Click here:To Know your KYC at KRA.
2. Enter pan, type in the CAPTCHA and click the SUBMIT to fetch the status.
To identify the KYC registration Agency with which your KYC is registered, check the KRA and KYC status column i
1) If the KYC status is "Validated / Registered"
No Action required from your end. You can continue with your investments in capital market.
2) If the KYC status is "Under Process"
The Under process status means your KYC has been recently processed at the KRA agency and it may take a few days for your KYC to get updated.
3) If the KYC status is "On Hold/ Rejected"
These statuses will get displayed when your KYC updated previously by other financial intermediary is incomplete due to document deficiency or failed to provide documents.
Last Updated on: 04-03-2025 07:05:34 PM