City Union Bank is now Proud Official Credit Card Partner of Chennai Super Kings. We are thrilled to introduce 3 new CUB CSK Credit Cards, bringing you exciting rewards and offers like never before.
CUB CSK Co-Branded Credit Cards
City Union Bank has been honoured with 7 prestigious awards for FY23-24 for second year in a row at the 20th Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Citations, 2024
IBA Awards @20th Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Citations 2024
Dear Customer, Bank is not providing any mobile application (.apk file) for KYC updation through WhatsApp/SMS. Do not fall prey / victim to fraudster -CUB
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Ask Lakshmi, Your Virtual Assistant
Call CUB’s 24 X 7 Customer Care:
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18. What are the documents required for change of name in the account of newly married women?
19. How to withdraw cash in case if the account holder is unable to sign because of illness and cannot be physically present?
In this case, thumb/toe impression is to be affixed on the Cheque/Withdrawal form and it should be identified by two independent witnesses known to the Bank, one of whom should be a responsible Bank Official.
20. How to withdraw cash in case if the account holder is unable to affix thumb/toe impression?
A mark can be obtained on the cheque / withdrawal form from the account holder which should be identified by two independent witnesses known to the Bank, one of whom should be a responsible Bank Official.
21. Whether a letter /ID card issued by the employer of a retail shop can be accepted for identity/ address proof?
22. What are all the documents to be produced by salaried persons for opening account?
We can accept certificate /letter of employment issued only by the Corporate and other entities of repute and also the Bank should be aware of the competent Authority designated by the employer for this purpose.
This should be in addition to any one of the following:
23. Whether an account can be opened for a person in a place where no local address proof is available?
It can be accepted where the person is able to establish his residence to the satisfaction of the Bank viz., a certificate from the relative with whom he/she is staying along with the ID /address proof of the relative.
A letter from the employer (As defined in Q.No.22) is to be obtained on the identity and address of the person.
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Last Updated on: 03-09-2022 05:18:58 AM