Tata AIA Life Insurance Maha Raksha Supreme

Tata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select

Product Overview

A Non-Linked Non-Participating, Pure Risk, Individual Life Insurance Product

Tata AIA Life Insurance Maha Raksha Supreme Select is a comprehensive term life insurance plan that offers you flexible plan options to secure your family’s financial future. Experience our Rakshakaran ki Reet by protecting your family, from uncertainties of life.

Key Features

  • Flexibility to choose from 7 unique Death Benefit options.
    • Life Secure
    • Life Secure Plus
    • Joint Life Secure
    • Joint Life Secure Plus
    • Step-Up Secure
    • Step-Up Secure Plus
    • Legacy Secure Plus
  • Whole of life cover available.
  • Acceleration of 50% of base sum assured on diagnosis of terminal illness.
  • Inbuilt waiver of premium on terminal illness
  • Flexibility to cover spouse under joint life option.
  • Choice to increase cover for a specific period or throughout the policy term.
  • Option to receive death benefit as lumpsum and/or installments.
  • Option to defer premiums by up to 12 months with FlexiPay^ Benefit
  • Instant payout on claim intimation2^ Benefit
  • 15% lower premium for Female lives
  • Enhance your protection through our comprehensive riders& with unique health and wellness* benefits.


  • ^With this feature, policyholder is allowed to defer the due premium for a period of 12 months while maintaining the full risk cover under the base plan and attached riders. At the end of Premium Deferment period, the policyholder is required to pay the due premiums, including the premium applicable for the period of Premium Deferment, i.e. the base cover premium and additional premium (if any). | FlexiPay Benefit shall be available for multiple times with a gap of 5 policy years from the expiry date of previous Premium Deferment. The option can be exercised only after payment of 5 full years premium. | No interest shall be levied on the premium due during the Premium Deferment period. If the premiums due are not paid within the grace period after expiry of the FlexiPay Benefit, the Policy (including Rider(s), if any) shall lapse and no benefits shall be payable in the Policy or the Rider(s), if any) and company shall be entitled to recover the same from any amounts or benefits payable under the Policy or Rider(s). | Please refer the sales brochure and policy document for more details.
  • ˜With this feature, instant death benefit of INR 3 Lacs from the Sum Assured will be paid within 1 working day from the claim registration date. This feature is applicable only after a waiting period of 3 policy years from the policy inception or revival of the policy and provided the policy is in force. The remaining SA shall be payable post the completion of the claim investigation. Further, in case of any discrepancy in the claim investigation resulting in the final decision of non-payment of the claim, the company reserves the right to recover the already paid amount. The acceleration of instant claim should not be construed/interpreted as acceptance of the claim. | On assessment of documents submitted during claim assessment, additional documents may be sought by the company. | Please refer the sales brochure and policy document for more details.
  • *On enrolling into the Wellness Program, you get an upfront discount of 5% on 1st year premium for Accidental Death, Accidental Total & Permanent Disability, Accidental Disability Care Benefits and of 10% on 1st year premium for Term Booster, CritiCare Plus, Accelerated CritiCare, Multistage CritiCare, Cancer Care, Cardiac Care. The rewards are offered on cumulative basis and in any year, the maximum rewards in view of both the Up-front Rewards and Annual Rewards Flex together shall be 15% for Accidental Death, Accidental Total & Permanent Disability, Accidental Disability Care and 30% for all other rider benefit options. Discount is driven by accumulated points which is achieved through wellness status. Please refer policy document for more details.
  • &1With Flexi Pay Benefit, policyholder is allowed to defer the due premium for a period of 12 months while maintaining the full risk cover under the base plan and attached riders. At the end of Premium Deferment period, the policyholder is required to pay the due premiums, including the premium applicable for the period of Premium Deferment, i.e. the base cover premium and additional premium (if any). | This benefit shall be available for multiple times with a gap of 5 policy years from the expiry date of previous Premium Deferment. The option can be exercised only after payment of 5 full years premium. | No interest shall be levied on the premium due during the Premium Deferment period. If the premiums due are not paid within the grace period after expiry of the Premium Deferment, the Policy (including Rider(s), if any) shall lapse and no benefits shall be payable in the Policy or the Rider(s), if any) and company shall be entitled to recover the same from any amounts or This benefit payable under the Policy or Rider(s).
  • 3Please refer rider brochures for additional details on health and wellness benefits..
  • Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfilment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you
  • Buying a Life Insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the Surrender Value payable may be less than the all the Premiums Paid.
  • This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan and it will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
  • Insurance cover is available under this product.
  • In case of Sub Standard lives, extra premiums will be charged as per our underwriting guidelines
  • For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read Sales Brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
  • Product is available under PoS as well. Life Stage, Top up, Payor Accelerator benefit and riders will not be available under PoS

  • City Union Bank is Registered with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India bearing Registration Number CA0023isthe corporate agent/intermediary of Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited and does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. Registered Address: 149 , TSR Big Street , Kumbakonam612001. Participation by the clients of City Union Bank in the insurance product is purely on voluntary basis. The Contract of Insurance is between Tata AIA Life Insurance and the insured and not between City Union Bank and the insured.

  • Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn. No.110 • CIN: U66010MH2000PLC128403). Registered & Corporate Office: 14th Floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013. Trade logo displayed above belongs to Tata Sons Ltd and AIA Group Ltd. and is used by Tata AIA Life Insurance Ltd under a license. For any information including cancellation, claims and complaints, please contact our Insurance Advisor/ Intermediary or visit Tata AIA Life’s nearest branch office or call 1-860-266-9966 (local charges apply) or write to us at customercare@tataaia.com. Visit us at: www.tataaia.com. (UIN: 110N171V04)

  • L&C/Advt/2025/Jan/0365


  • IRDAI or its officials do not involve in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.

Last Updated on: 21-02-2025 11:42:58 AM

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