City Union Bank is now Proud Official Credit Card Partner of Chennai Super Kings. We are thrilled to introduce 3 new CUB CSK Credit Cards, bringing you exciting rewards and offers like never before.
CUB CSK Co-Branded Credit Cards
City Union Bank has been honoured with 7 prestigious awards for FY23-24 for second year in a row at the 20th Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Citations, 2024
IBA Awards @20th Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Citations 2024
Dear Customer, Bank is not providing any mobile application (.apk file) for KYC updation through WhatsApp/SMS. Do not fall prey / victim to fraudster -CUB
Customer Awareness
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CITY UNION BANK is registered with DICGC
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Ask Lakshmi, Your Virtual Assistant
Call CUB’s 24 X 7 Customer Care:
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6. Is the requirement of documents same for all types of customers?
No. The features to be verified and documents to be obtained vary according to the type of the customer.
7. What are all the documents required for establishing the identity to open an account in the name of an individual?
Any one of the following documents is required to open an account:
8. What are all the documents required for proving the correct permanent address?
Any one of the following documents is required for correct permanent address:
9. What are all the documents required for opening a proprietary Concern account?
Any two of the following documents standing in the name of the concern are required
Certificate by Institute of Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant of India/ Company Secretaries of India (applicable only in case of Chartered Accountants/Cost Accountants)
In addition to the above, one of the documents mentioned in Q.No.7 & 8 on identity and address of the individual (Proprietor) is to be submitted.
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Last Updated on: 01-09-2022 12:52:33 PM